Know about Dental Braces
- Dr. Arpita Anand, Lucknow
- April 22, 2024
Know about Dental Braces
What is the right age for braces?
This is a common question asked frequently during consultations. The usual notion is that braces are for kids. But due to the advancements in the field of dentistry and the expertise that orthodontists now have, even adults can get the treatment done.
There is no specific age to start orthodontic treatment as long as the patient’s teeth, gums, and bone can support it. Therefore, the sooner the better is the answer to the question, what is the right age for braces?
If the treatment is started at an early age, the patient can get better results – a good smile and healthy dentition for a long period.
Why do we need braces?
- Tooth size doesn’t fit in bone: Either the tooth is small resulting in spacing between teeth or it is large leading to proclaimed or crooked teeth. Both these conditions can be corrected at any age. The ideal age for starting treatment of girls is 10-12 years, and for boys, it is 11-13 years.
- The discrepancy in the size of the jaw bone: The jaw bone is either extra large or extra small leading to a V-shaped arch, overjet and overbite. For such patients, early diagnosis is very important. Signs may be visible at the age of 3-5 years when it shows on facial features. The orthodontists, with the help of various treatment options, plan the treatment of such conditions according to the growth phase of the child. Usually managed during the early age – around 7 years of age.
- Impacted or submerged tooth: Retainer primary teeth may cause crowding of teeth or can lead to outwardly placed permanent teeth leading to misalignment, overcrowding or spacing. This condition is visible only after eruption of all teeth, treatment is possible at the later stage as well. Regular dental check-up can help in finding out the right solution at the right time, as often by treating primary teeth at the right time, eruption of permanent teeth can be easily guided.
- Misaligned teeth: Teeth not in proper alignment of arch can lead to improper facial profile and overcrowding of teeth. Such conditions always give rise to cosmetic issues, poor oral hygiene and dental issues. These can also be corrected at any age but – sooner the better.