Walk Smart!
- Dr. S. C. Bobal, Ujjain
- April 20, 2024
Walk Smart!
God has gifted all of us with a pair of excellent tools to manage our weight, stay healthy, live longer, and manage conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or cholesterol. Yes, the set of your own feet is what is being referred here. The best way to utilise your feet for good health is to walk.
Walking is the most simple and inexpensive form of exercise.
It has numerous benefits, from supporting a healthy immune system to boosting your metabolism to strengthening your joints, muscles, and bones. It is a good stress reliever as it enables you to spend time with self or with your partner, neighbour, or friends.
Daily walking increases metabolism by burning extra calories and by preventing muscle loss. Walking also helps to lower your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and to shed weight, thereby reducing the risk for diabetes or other heart diseases.
Here are few points to be kept in mind for a ‘Smart Walk’
Always challenge yourself: To get at least 10,000 steps a day. If due to some reason you are not able to reach this goal during the day, take a few laps at home at night to hit your goal.
Count your steps: It has been seen that people who wear a pedometer, walk almost 1500 – 2000 more steps per day.
Look straight while walking: When your head is raised, your chest opens, and you can take deeper breaths.
Make a loose fist: Clenching your hands just wastes energy that could be used to power your walk.
Pump your arms: Your hands should reach mid-breastbone height on the upswing and brush past your hips on the downswing.
Keep your stride short: Longer steps lead to a bouncier walk, which can increase the risk of injury to your joints.
Skip the hills: Do not assume that climbing a big incline will help you burn more calories. It may be better to maintain your speed on a moderate hill than slow down a lot on a steeper one.
Set physical goals: Choose markers you can see (like a building or park bench) and speed up until you reach them. Then slow down for the same distance. Repeat these intervals.
Make it a game: Every time you do a route, challenge yourself to beat your own time.
Wear a heart rate monitor: It is like having your own coach to keep you at optimal intensity.