Prevent Childhood Obesity

Earlier the Better

Changing lifestyle is leading to an increased incidence of obesity in children and adolescents, thereby putting them at risk of an array of diseases and disorders during the later part of their life.

The changing lifestyle factors in our country is attributable to the economic growth, population growth, change in the societal environment and increased urbanization. Consequentially, the dietary habits of individuals have undergone a substantial change coupled with decreased physical activity. This has affected our children too. Thus, the incidence of obesity and overweight conditions are increasing.

Various studies have shown that the overweight and obesity increase mortality and morbidity as they are positive risk factors for development of hypertension, NIDDM (non-insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus), gallbladder disease, coronary artery disease, osteoarthritis, gout, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, psychological stress, cancer (including breast, endometrial, and colon).

44% of the diabetes burden, 23% of the ischemic heart disease burden and 7% – 41% of certain cancer burden are attributable to overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity are the 5th leading risk for global deaths. In addition, obese children experience breathing difficulties and increased risk of fracture.

Globally, the International Association for the Study of Obesity/Indian Obesity Task Force (IASO/IOTF) analysis (2010) estimates that up to 200 million school going children are either overweight or obese. India obesity information as per latest IASO/IOTF

    • 8 % of men (aged 15-49) were overweight
    • 1.3 % of men (aged 15-49) were obese
    • 9.8 % of women (aged 15-49) were overweight
    • 2.8 % of women (aged 15-49) were obese

Adult obesity is difficult to treat and more than 50% of obese children become obese adults with worse complications.

It is therefore important that the prevention of obesity begins in childhood itself.