Men are from Mars and Women from Venus!

The Gender Divide....

Do you hear this often? Men never ask for directions! Women keep nagging on & on! He never listens! The safest place to walk is the middle of the road when a lady is driving!


True, isn’t it? During marital therapy sessions, the most common complaint women have is, he never communicates his feelings. He does not listen to her. He withdraws whenever he is upset. He only watches news & sports on TV. He likes action-oriented films & cartoons! Does it resonate with you, ladies?


Men most reluctantly enter the sessions usually. They are quieter mostly. Their body language betrays that they are half-turned towards the door, wishing to flee! If they do open their mouths, it’s to say, she keeps nagging & repeating the same things. She blames him for all that has gone wrong in her life. She never takes his solutions seriously. There is constant criticism, & fault-finding. She likes all soppy serials & films & it goes on & on thus.

Facts about men and women:

    1. Men & women are wired differently.
    2. The right lobe, responsible for empathy, communication, feelings, aesthetics, nurturing is more dominant in females.
    3. The left lobe responsible for logic, reasoning, spatial orientation, problem solving is more dominant in men.
    4. Women have interhemispheric connectivity which make them more analytic & intuitive.
    5. Men have interhemispheric connectivity, which helps in execution, understanding & building systems.
    6. Women have sex hormones – oestrogen & progesterone, causing them to reproduce.
    7. Men have testosterone, making them more aggressive and dominant.

All the above differences make men more focused on being providers. Their sense of self-worth is based on their sense of achievement in work, activities & sports. Their way of coping with stress is to withdraw & be alone for some time. Women, on the other hand base their sense of self-worth on relationship intimacy & feeling connected with others.

They need to talk about their feelings to feel better. They are unable to figure men’s tendency to give solutions for their problems, instead of understanding their feelings. They have a genuine difficulty in differentiating right from left while driving!