- Dr. Manish Singhal, Delhi NCR
- April 16, 2024
Does early or timely marriage reduce Breast Cancer risks?
Why is breast cancer increasing in India?
You must have noticed we put late marriage among the risk factors. Why? And can early marriage reduce breast cancer risks? Can timely marriage save you from breast cancer?
Why is timely marriage important?
Even breastfeeding is a type of natural contraception. So, generally, from the time a woman gets pregnant till the time she breastfeeds, the natural cycle doesn’t start. Mothers should breastfeed for at least up to 2 years. So, even after pregnancy, you can expect there is no menstrual flow for that period and hence the body is not exposed to estrogen. Pregnancy plus breastfeeding, so that’s about 3 years.
In India, most people have at least 2 children. So, it is expected that for about 6 years a woman’s body is not exposed to estrogen. High exposure to estrogen definitely leads to a higher risk of breast cancer. In yesteryears when there used to be many children, there were very few cases of breast cancer. Life expectancy is increasing, even with the rise of breast cancer, but it is clear that the number of children or parity, meaning the number of children is inversely proportional to the breast cancer risk.
So, yes, early marriage and early family planning can decrease the incidence of breast cancer by decreasing the exposure to estrogen.
To conclude, Breast cancer is on the rise in India and worldwide. While the treatments are becoming better and more accessible, some lifestyle changes can prevent the disease altogether. So, it is in your best interest to understand the information to lead a better, healthier life.